July 2012 Moms

Aaaand I'm back.

Not sure if anyone noticed I was missing, but anyhoo...it's been a rough, rough week. Me, DH, and DD are all sick with some kind of godawful virus. I'm on the mend, but unfortunately DD is only on day 2 and seems to be getting worse. Sad I missed two days of work this week and I'm terrified my boss is going to ask if I want to make the days up, or use my nonexistent vacation/personal days. Yeah, because my company DIDN'T make me use all of those for maternity leave. (That was sarcasm...they did.) Considering I hate my job already, I refuse to make the days up and lose even more time with DD. So here's hoping he doesn't mention anything otherwise they'll prob be forced to fire me.

And if anyone was waiting on pins and needles to find out if DH got the promotion he should have been entitled to, he didn't. We're bummed, but not as bitter as we expected to be. I can't really blame the company, because if DH were trained properly by his crappy boss, he would have gotten the job. They've sent some douche from out of state to be the manager of the warehouse, but the good news is that this guy is planning to train him, and whenever a management position comes around in his hometown, he'll go back. All is not lost, and at the very least, DH will have less responsibility and less hours for now.

Blah. As consolation for reading my b!tchfest, here's a pic of Taylor in her super-cute Tigger costume. Sick baby still managed a smile.


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So, anything new I need to be updated on? I hope everyone is feeling well with all these illnesses running amok, and I hope all my bumpies on the east coast are doing all right!

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