July 2012 Moms

Another WWYD - donating BM

So this is kind of a sensitive subject so I'd love to get other opinions before I do / say anything!

I have a really good friend that has a daughter who is 2 days older than my son. She has been EBF but found out that her body is no longer producing enough milk for her daughter (daughter is losing weight, and a weighed feeding showed that she is barely getting any). She is going to begin supplementing and is really upset about it.

I have been fortunate to have built up a freezer stash while on leave, and have around 150 ounces saved up. I usually break even or have about 2-3 ounces extra left from what I pump everyday for my son for daycare. I have been considering donating about 50 ounces of milk, which I know doesn't go that far, but I figure it might be able to help someone out at least a little bit. 

Now I am torn. I'd love to offer to help her out, but I really don't want her to see it as me bragging about my supply being better, if that makes sense. I don't want to seem insensitive at all about what she is going through. It breaks my heart that she is trying so hard because it's important to her, and its not working how she hoped it would.

So, WWYD? Offer or keep my mouth shut and just try to be as supportive as I can be? Thanks! 

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