Dads & Dads-to-be

Just Back From 1st Doc Visit

Just had our initial visit with the nurse midwife. It's funny, going into the meeting I was calm, and leaving I was freaked out again. So I guess it's not just my wife who is going to have mood swings. I think it was the full realization when we suddenly had a 12 week ultrasound and 3 more appointments lined up.

The funny part was my wife was really looking forward to this visit to get the "official doctor approved" pregnancy test done. While our double line and digital tests were pretty conclusive, she has been luckily free of most symptoms so far - the downside being she keeps second guessing the tests and taking new ones just to "make sure."

So of course, the doc didn't do a pregnancy test. My wife asked why not, and she explained that they had decided as a medical center it just didn't make sense since the home tests are so accurate.

So now no "official" anything until the 12 week ultrasound - in 6 weeks.

Should make for an interesting 6 weeks. 

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