
Fenugreek and gas [in me!]?

Here's a gross one. All my googling gives me results regarding fenugreek potentially causing gassy babies. That's not our problem; I mean, she farts, but nothing very frequent. But for me, I think it may be causing so much gas that I sort of feel like I'm dying. Well, okay, it's just really bad and miserable. Has this happened to anyone else? If not, maybe I need to look at other things, although my diet hasn't changed recently.

What makes me think it might be the fenugreek is the fact that a couple days ago I didn't take the pills or more milk plus, and I was almost completely gas free. Took them the next day, and was extremely gassy; I'm talking once every 2 minutes if I'm lucky, huge smelly farts. Gas-X doesn't even touch it. It all seems to originate from the "lower" part of me, not in my stomach, so I'm not burping or anything. It's only really painful if I hold it in so I guess I'm glad I am home all day, but the amount of gas just makes me feel like I'm sick. Stools are fine, though.

Another hint that something is up: once again, I haven't taken the supplements today, and was almost gas free. I took the more milk plus about an hour and a half ago and I have had to let it rip at least 20 times. It's actually impacting my mood quite a bit because it's just not fun at all.

I'm not even sure if I need all these supplements anymore but the LC told me to not stop taking them in case I do need them. But I can't keep doing this to myself if it is in fact the fenugreek. I have wanted to try Go Lacta but it is so expensive and I have failed miserably at trying to find the actual moringa vegetable. In a stroke of luck last night I found a 100 percent moringa supplement at walmart, marketed for weight loss, so I am giving that a shot.

If fenugreek has caused horrible gas in anyone else, I'd love to know. At least it hasn't affected my baby but the fact that it is making me so miserable is most likely starting to affect her, because I just feel awful and the apartment smells horrific.

Our Squishy - 8/21/12
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