
Benadryl and milk supply

Hi ladies, I have been taking Benadryl nightly since I have gone back to work as I have trouble feeling tired enough to sleep, have had insomnia, etc.  The pedi and my primary care doctor said it was fine to take this while breastfeeding.  A post on the 3-6 month board seemed to indicate this could decrease milk supply.  Neither the pedi or my doctor mentioned this!!  I have noticed my supply has been somewhat less than it was before I went back to work, but the pedi did say that everyone's supply usually decreases when they go back to work.  Does anyone know about this or have any experience?  I really need to take the Benadryl or I will be wide awake until 11 pm, need to be up with him at 2 am and basically get no sleep then.  Is there any other over the counter sleep aid that is safe to take while breastfeeding?  Thanks in advance!!
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