
AW: Made it a year with MSPI and going strong!!

I've been looking forward to writing this post since I decided to go to at least a year. Like everyone else, we had our share of struggles: oversupply, milk blisters, plugged ducts, trouble swallowing, and of course not being able to have any dairy for a year now!

At the beginning, I had absolutely no idea how people could possibly make it to a year and the idea of enjoying breastfeeding seemed like a myth. Now, I joke that it's the lazy woman's way to feed her child (who wants to bother with dirty outfit changes and food prep?) and I enjoy our quiet time together every day. We've been very fortunate in that LO has never had to have a sip of formula and I am crazy proud of myself that I was able to stick to the diet and have things go so well.

Thanks to everyone on this board (especially AmyG) for being there for me and the great advice during those difficult first few months!

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HUGE CONGRATS to my BFPB mdiblasi10 on her baby boy!!!
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