
Back at

I've been back at work for about a week now. LO is at daycare for about 7-7.5 hours a day.  I would nurse her right before drop off and she'd eat 2 bottles that were 3 oz each and when I got home she would eat immediately again.  Sitter called and said that she burned through the 6 ounces by noon today (luckily I had given her a few extras for her freezer).

I'm happy she's eating more since she's just a little peanut but I can't seem to pump enough for her!  I only get 3 oz total from both breasts when I pump.  I try pumping three times at work but due to my schedule, it sometimes gets down to twice.  I feel like 3 ounces is a ridiculously small amount.  

Anyone have a start like this when they went back to work?  What did you do to help increase the supply?  LO didn't seem to have any problem when we were EBF on maternity leave.

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