
Need encouragement to go past 6 months

I love nursing my daughter.  But I work full-time, and I hate pumping.  I know that most likely our BFing relationship won't be able to continue if I do not keep up with the pumping at work.

I have a surgery coming up on Nov.14, 3 days before her 6-month birthday. I am really worried about my supply tanking and my attempts to cushion my freezer stash have been fairly futile (adding another pump session at work, but at most I get 2 extra ounces...and I'm not really wanting to add another session at home).  I have trouble exercising often because I have to pump first so my boobs don't bounce around too much, and even when we get up early there isn't time to feed LO/pump (at the same time), do a 20-min workout, shower, walk the dog, and still get out the door at a reasonable hour.   I cannot seem to figure out how to fit exercise into my day (even w/ a baby who is happily entertained by her jumperoo or playmat for 20-30min), and exercise is an important part of avoiding depression for me (as in my psychiatrist actually told me to consider it as an augmentation to my meds to avoid a dose increase).

 So I feel like this aspect would be easier if I weaned.

And I don't know what will happen to my supply with the surgery. (I will pump immediately before and after and pump the night after once when she would feed, and for her feedings until I am home from the hospital, which will hopefully be less than 24 hours). 

Please encourage me to keep going!!! 

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
? BFP 11/20/10 hb 12/14/10 natural m/c 12/25/10 at 8w3d ?

? BFP 9/18/11 DD born 5/17/12 at 38w3d ?

Fateful appt. 2/11: Saline sono - polyp; thyroid nodule; mycoplasma/ureaplasma STD found & treated ? 3/17/11: Hysteroscopy to remove polyp ? Total thyroidectomy (papillary carcinoma) 4/4/11; RAI 5/9/11
Cancer killed! 5/19/11
Medical green-light to TTC 8/15/11..BFP 9/18/11! <a href=" images/?action=view
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