
How often should 1 mo eat?

For mobile:  How often should 1 month old eat?

Our LC is out of the office today... so looking for some opinions on how often my one month old should eat.  She is EBF.  At her 3 wk appt she was 2.1 lbs over her birth weight and our pedi gave us the okay not to wake her up at night but recommended keeping the every 3 hours during the day.   We've been doing that so far but often wake her up or encourage her to eat at the 3 hour mark during the day as she isn't necessarily showing hunger queues.

The last few days feedings have been rough.  During the day when the 3 hr mark comes and we start the feed process she often shows little interest.  Will latch and come off, latch and come off, latch and come off.  She eventually settles in but does't latch as deep (on a shield) and is a lazy eater often resulting in her coughing, choking, or just letting milk spill out.  She will eat for about 10 minutes and then be done.  Usually about an hour later she shows hunger queues so I'll feed again - it goes more smoothly but is usually another 10 minute session.

Overnight we don't waker her and just follow her queues.  She usually gives 2 longer stretches between 4 and 5 hours.  When she wakes up for these feeds she goes to town no problem.  Often eating 15+ on the first side and then taking the second for 5 to 10.

So my question... at 1 month do I still need to keep to the every 3 hours during the day or can I start spacing out and following her signs?   She has no problem hitting 8+ wets and 3+ soiled diapers a day thus far.

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