
EBF and Fertility Charting

Hello! I am still breastfeeding my one-year-old. He eats 3 solid food meals a day and gets some snacks, but he mostly plays with his food, so I don't really know how much he's eating. Regardless, he nurses when he wakes in the morning, before and after each nap (2 naps per day), before bed, once or twice during the night, and occasionally for comfort. He is super attached to nursing, and I plan to let him wean himself when he is ready.

I still haven't had a period, and it may be, I assume, because I'm still breastfeeding so frequently. I do want to start charting my "fertility", though, because DH and I use NFP and we've decided that we would like to TTA for several months before we start TTC #2.

So here are my questions: Is it possible to chart data meaningfully when you haven't had a "cycle" yet?  Is is possible to ovulate or have a cycle but not have a period (I.e. could I be ovulating and just not menstruating)? Lastly, does anyone here have any tips on NFP and TTA following pregnancy?



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