
AW 1 year so far!!

I've been dreaming of the day I post this... LO and I made it to 1 yr of BFing! It wasn't always easy, but we did it! We hit a rough patch around 5 mo where we supplemented a few oz a day, but other than that, we've been pretty lucky.

If I could give any advice to someone just starting or having a rough time, just remember: right now is not forever. The first couple weeks felt like a hazing and I couldn't imagine how ppl did this for a year or longer, lol. But things change. Your LO will go through phases and growth spurts like any other aspect of their development. Once we got to 6 mo we were both able to enjoy BFing together. It's gotten progressively easier since then. Now my LO signs "milk," nurses on the first side for 5 min, pops off and pats me dry with the burp cloth, then signs "more" and nurses for another 510 min on the second side. When he's done, he will sign or say "done!" and slide off the couch on his own. What a difference from a year ago!

My other advice is to get SUPPORT! The support we got from a local BF group was absolutely vital to our success. I read books and took a class, but the most helpful thing was attending our weekly support group. I learned a lot from the LCs and made some great connections with other mommas.

GL to all of you on your BFing journeys!
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