
Reverse cycling? 4-month wakeful? I'm exhausted!

For the past couple of nights, my daughter's sleep has been horrible! She'll go down at 6pm, want to eat at 8pm, then 10pm, then 12am, then 2am, and from then on she is pretty much in bed nursing constantly until 5:30am, when she wants to get up for an hour or so, before getting back into bed at 7am and nursing until 9am. For a while (beginning at about 5 weeks), she was sleeping 6-7 hours at a time, and it was great. I would love a 4-hour chunk of uninterrupted sleep at this point! 

I am exhausted. My nipples are sore. I am super emotional because I'm not getting enough sleep.

I think I just have to wait it out, I'm sure. But I wanted to commiserate, I guess. 

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