
FTM, feeling overwhelmed about BFing

DD is only 5 days old (my milk has been in for 3 days) and we are both getting used to breastfeeding. She is on the small side (BW was 5lb 10oz) so I'm wondering if that's part of it? I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and wondering if we are on the right track....

Right now, during the day she eats every 2-2.5 hours for about 15-20 minutes, usually just on one side but I offer the other as dessert. At night she's eating every 60-90 minutes but only for about 7-10 minutes. She falls asleep during all feedings so I am constantly tapping her chin, rocking her awake, or moving the boob to get her to keep feeding. Seems to be peeing and pooping according to schedule.

Is there any way I can help stretch out night feedings so they are similar to her day feedings? Also, she often spits up after eating, which seems like her whole feeding was a waste. I usually re-feed as much as she can take, but is there anything preventative to help with spitting up so much?

I came here hoping to get insight or tips from real moms who BF - I just don"t want to establish poor habits and I want to make sure DD is benefiting as much as possible. TIA for tolerating my silly questions! :o)



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