
Has anyone continued to nurse with blood in stool?

Long story short, I've restricted my diet to only turkey, olive oil, sp, and plain potato chips since last Wednesday. DD has had visible blood in her stool and mucous for 2 months. She has been gaining weight alright and other than being fussy while eating, she's a happy baby. I thought maybe she was getting too much foremilk because she only eats for 5 minutes and then gets fussy, unless I'm nursing her to sleep, but I don't think that would cause this big of a problem.

Every time her stool has been tested when there hasn't been visible blood, it's been negative. But every day she will have a tiny amount of blood and every diaper has some mucous. GI says to put her on Neocate, allergist says give it another month, pedi says keep nursing and add foods back in, IBCLC says it is no big deal.

Help! Anyone have any advice or experience?
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