
Cold turkey weaning?

Hi, I don't usually post here, but lurk all the time and am in desperate need of some help/advice...

DS has refused to take a bottle since he was about a month (he took one occasionally before then). Since then, we've tried every type of bottle out there, sippy cups, and even these Sassy and Avent cups that are very similar to a regular cup, but just don't let too much spill out, but no luck. He wants nothing to do with them...I've tried every suggestion out there (I think), having others try with me away, different milk temps, when he's very hungry, somewhat hungry, and not hungry at all, etc. I thought that he possibly didn't know that there's milk in there, so I've even literally poured it down his throat, but obviously this just infuriates him. I'm afraid to keep doing it as I don't want him to associate cups with being upset.

Although he's eating solids (he's 8 months), he's definitely a snacker, and still wants to BF every 2-3 hours, except at night (STTN about 75% of the time). So, I can never leave for longer than 2 hours and I'm about to lose my mind. I also NEED him to be fully weaned in about 2 months, for a few reasons. I was planning on dropping one feeding a week, using pumped milk, but, like I said, he wants nothing to do with it. I feel like my last resort is to stop cold turkey. I would still pump, but refuse to BF him. I'm thinking I could refuse all day, but still nurse before bed, or I can completely not allow him. 

This is definitely NOT how I wanted to do this, but I feel like I'm now left with no other options. I know it will definitely not be fun, but I don't know what else to do. Has anyone had any success with this method? Any tips/advice at all? TIA - Honey, can you pick up Pizza? I've been busy pinning nutritious recipes for our family all day.
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