
How many times a day does LO eat?

DS is almost 11 weeks old and eats 6 times per day. He goes to bed about 8:30 and most nights sleeps 6 to 8 hours, eats, then sleeps 3 or 4 more hours. I remember DD started going to bed by 6:30 by a certain age but can't remember what it was. Maybe 6 mos old? I'm just wondering if that means DS will likely start eating only 5 times per day since right now his last two feedings are around 5:30 and then 8:00. I know at 6 mos they also start solids and that can make a difference. And, of course, during growth spurts it can be totally different. I just wasn't sure what most babies do. I didn't BF DD very long, so this is all new to me.
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