
Gassy LO question

So my LO is just over two weeks old.  We started out nursing but then hit some bumps but are working on getting back to nursing, slowly at LO's own rate.  I'm pumping in addition 9-10x day when we aren't nursing or if the session didn't seem very productive.  I had a delay in my milk surge so really I feel like it's only been a week.  I'm still building my supply and we are supplementing with formula prn.

So LO has been pretty gassy lately.  At first we thought it was the formula we were using so we switched a week ago to another one that seems to have helped reduce some of the gas problems but not all.

He never spits up, seems to poop okay and doesn't appear to have any other problems.  Just normal gas or something more?  I eat a normal diet but have tried to avoid foods that I think might cause problems. 

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