
Scheduled date keeps changing....

My actual due date is 12/10 and after talking to one of the OB's in the office we scheduled the date for 12/07.  I know it's only 3 days before my due date but I want to carry my baby for as long as possible.  On a visit 2 weeks ago, with the OB I usually see, she said that waiting that long is asking for trouble.  She said she was afraid I will go into labor and then, because of my size, we would have more complications.  So we rescheduled the date for 12/03, right at 39 weeks.  I wasn't happy but will do what is best for the baby.  Then, at my appointment last week (I go every week due to some BP issues), the head OB said there was no reason to move my date, I had 1 c-section 6 years ago and there wouldn't be a problem waiting until the 7th. But, she followed that up with " I don't think you'll make it to December 3 anyway because of your BP issues but we can keep the date at 12/07 because that's what you want"   I just need to know when to tell my husband and parents to take off of work.  This is so frustrating.....
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