
Another paci question with a SS scenario

How can you tell the difference between when your LO wants to comfort suck/soothe actually eat? I have read a lot about cluster feedings etc so I know it's not wise to reduce feedings at the beginning as you want to establish your milk, your routine etc. 

For me, I would like to introduce a pacifier. I am working with a counsellor to help overcome some of my fears about breastfeeding that are connected to my experience a sexual assault victim. So I would like to have a pacifier on hand just as a back up and my counsellor and I are working through how I feel about being suckedo n for comfort. I don't need to go into my detail on here and my DD later. I am committed to breastfeeding and want to do it longer than I did with DS but I have a lot of work to do before I feel comfortable with the idea and I think a pacifier would help ease my mind.

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