
Unable to drain breasts PLEASE HELP!

I had surgery on my foot and I'm on really powerful prescription drugs Oxycotton, percoset, muscle relaxers, and I don't know what all.

I spent 2 days in the hospital after my surgery for pain management.  I was on morphine and other drugs too.  I had an IV hooked up that pumped me full of saline.

I think the saline really made my milk production go up because I was engorged and leaking a bunch even tho I was pumping more.  I was an exclusive pumper before this so I know how much my breasts normally produce.

I am not feeding this milk to baby, but I need to drain my breast so I don't get mastitis.  Well, I'm not sure if it is the pain medicine or what, but I cannot drain my breast.  Milk does come out, but not as much as it should.  I still feel full after I pump.  

I tried different flanges, I tried my hand pump, I tried warm compresses, I tried massaging and I tried compression.  I cannot get my breasts to drain.  

Does anyone have any advice?  I am feeling pain in my breasts and I'm worried mastitis is setting in.

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