
Am I doing this right? Pumping & Bf'ing

My right nipple is extremely sore and damaged (large scab, some small cracks) so starting yesterday, I've been pumping on the right and feeding LO on the left. So every 2-3 hours I'll feed him on the left side until he's done, and then 2 or so hours later, I'll pump on the right and give him the pumped milk in a bottle (usually comes out to 2-3oz). If my right boob feels engorged (which it sometimes does, I think I produce more milk on that side?), I"ll sometimes pump to relieve it. Basically, am I doing this right? Should I be pumping on my right side after every feeding (so every 2-3 hours)? For the first week when I was EBF, I only fed on one side per feeding.

Also, please tell me that once my nipple heals, I'll be able to get LO to latch on without refusing due to having a bottle a few times a day....or if I should prepare myself for the refusal, be honest about that as well, I guess! Thanks :)  

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