
Foremilk/hindmilk imbalance question

My four month old(will be five months next week) daughter and I are having some bf issues I'm hoping someone can help with.

About two weeks ago my husband and I started her on solids. We started with oatmeal then moved to banana and apple. We noticed her poos turned green almost right away. I hadn't thought to ask the doctor about a change in her poops so wasn't sure if I should be concerned. However, my mom gut finally told me something wasn't right. We stopped feeding her solids almost a week ago and she is still having green poos. 

We think she has an acid reflux problem and she just started meds this week to hopefully help that. She started being poky while eating and will sometimes cry as if in pain but still act like she wants to eat. Until this all happened she could have eaten forever if I let her.

I've been doing some research and think maybe I have a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance but can't quite figure out how to know if that's the case or how to fix it. I have two breastfeeding books and neither one even mentions this, so I think they will both be going to Savers this weekend.

 Any thoughts? I tried checking kellymom and couldn't find anything but if you have a specific link that would be great. Thanks! 

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