
Frustrated with runaround re Rx drugs & recommendation

I have a pretty severe herniated disc in my lower back and have been in near-constant, sometimes debilitating pain for about 9 weeks.  The doctors wouldn't give me a straight answer on what, if anything, was safe to take.  My ortho said to contact my OB, OB said to contact the pediatrician, the pediatrician told me to contact a pharmacist, who just read me the package insert, and so on.  I am frustrated that no one seems to understand why I will not just pump and dump or switch to formula. I understand the medical professionals are worried about their potential liability, but just wish they would be more supportive. 

I was doing ok dealing with it without meds until this week when I had another set back at physical therapy.  I finally broke down and decided I needed to get some relief and have again been looking into breastfeeding-safe options.  I know I have seen Medications and Mothers' Milk referenced here, but I also finally made the call to the Infant Risk Center and was able to easily obtain straight-forward answers.   

Anyways, not much of a point here - I just needed to get this off my chest and I recommend calling the Infant Risk Center if you happen to be experiencing a similar runaround.

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