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Question for dads-to-be

My dear sweet husband is darn near perfect, and I'm a very lucky lady for snagging him.  However, for some reason, now that I'm pregnant and really starting to show, he's weirded out by having sex with me.  We slept together a few times in the first trimester, then didn't for several weeks (because I was feeling pretty crummy).  Now that I'm feeling better, he's seen baby on the ultrasound a couple of times, and my belly is really starting to pooch, and he just can't get his head around it.  I've tried to tell him that there's no possible way he can hurt the baby.  I even included pictures haha.  He's just not buying it.  And honestly, that may not even be the issue.  I think it's more that he's just really weirded out knowing that our son is in there exactly where he's sticking his peen.  I know he's attracted to me so that's not the issue (I'm assuming this from the way he looks at me with a pregnant belly and things that "pop up" while we're spooning).   I think at this point, he's just set that we won't be having sex again until the baby is born, and he's ok with that.  After all, we can both take care of each other in other ways.

 I guess my question is, did any of you have this same problem? Did you eventually get over it, or did someone say/show you something that made you feel it was ok?  I just want that closeness with him and don't really want to wait 6+ months to have it again.  Thanks for any help guys!

ETA: I guess I should add he has deployed 4 times during our relationship, so actually going that long without sex is not an issue for either one of us.  It's not like he's eventually going to get tired of going without and just give in.

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