
Need a bit of an increase ?

The past few days at DC, DS has been wanting more once he finishes his 4oz bottle so they have been pouring an ounce out of his extra bottle and giving it to him (I ok'd this). He has been drinking half or the full extra ounce now for about 4 days now. When I pump at work, I get exactly 4 ounces each time. My morning pump varies depending on when DS woke up in MOTN for his feeding (3-7oz). How can I increase to get 4.5 or 5 ounces per pump at work to make sure I'm pumping what DS is eating at DC. Note: I have a large freezer stash (400oz) so each day I send 2 frozen and 2 fresh bottles so I am ok each day, but I still feel that I should be producing what he eats. If he continues to eat the extra 2-3 ounces a day, I want to be able to know I'm putting into my freezer stash, what I'm taking out.
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