
dairy issues?

At what point do you try eliminating dairy? I've read MSPI is not actually as common as the internet would have you believe.

LO is 11 weeks (but 8 weeks adjusted age) and for the last week he has been EXTRA gassy. Gas has always been an issue - wakes him up while sleeping during the day and at night from gas pain. He has slept more than 3 consecutive hours only 3-4 times since birth, usually wakes every 2 hours at night. We have started gas drops, but haven't seen a big improvement. His gas causes screams and tears, not just fussiness. MH had a cow's milk allergy as a baby and had to be on soy formula. We EBF. No blood in his stool and he only had green mucousy stool when we were dealing with oversupply a month ago.

I want to help my little guy feel better, but I'm wondering if cutting out all dairy is really going to help. I guess I just don't know how much gas is normal, and if he is even exhibiting enough signs of MSPI for it to be considered.

TIA, this board is a lifesaver to a new mom!

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