
Reverse Cycling at 5 months? (kinda long)

I believe my LO is reverse cycling but I'm not entirely sure so I'm look for some guidance. At the end of last week and all this week A has stopped eating at daycare. She was never a big fan of the bottle but she would drink it when hungry. Now she gets the milk in her mouth and just spits it back out. We have tried every type of bottle but she just spits the milk back out. I also tried a sippy cup but she didn't like that either. However, I gave it to her when she wasn't that hungry and I don't think she would take it from me regardless.

I called my Pedi and she is not too concerned since she is showing no other signs of being sick. She is getting up two to three times a night to eat but she has been doing that whether she eats during the day or not. Is this just her getting older and not needing to eat as much? I would assume she is just choosing to eat at night instead of during the day.

Has anyone had an LO that this was just a phase for? I don't mind getting up with her but the last 6 weeks the most she slept is 4 hours at a time and it is starting to take its toll on me. I would love for her to do a 6 hour stretch again. Also, I am going and feeding her at lunch time but since I'm doing that I had to drop that pumping session. If she starts eating normally again will dropping that session hurt my supply or can I just start it back up again? Is this reverse cycling or does anyone think it is something else?

Thank you!!

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