
Is it too late?

We have had a rough 12 days of bfing. It took my milk forever to come in and I wasn't getting a lot of colostrum so we had to start supplementing. I even met with a lactation consultant who left frustrated and didn't leave me with much hope of being successful. We tried using an SNS but I have supply issues and after awhile he fought that too so I wanted to EP. I figured some bm is better than none. Even with taking fenugreek and pumping every 2 hours for 20-40 min the most I got in a 24 hour period was 3.5 oz...I decided to give up. I stopped trying to latch him on or pump for a day and a half. I went to change my shirt and was literally dripping bm so I decided what the heck I would pump. I got 1.5oz the most I have ever gotten at one time. Is it too late to try again? If I pump every 2 hours round the clock and start the fenugreek and mothers milk tea again can I build back up my supply? We have a doctors appointment (weight check) tomorrow and I may ask about a prescription to help boost my supply. We are still having to supplement. He is eating about 2 ounces every 2 hours and as stated before was only making 3.5oz in an entire day. Did I do any permanent damage by stopping for a day and a half?
Jeff and Lindsey 10.02.09
**Baby Dust to my BFPBs FlyPink (Noah is here) and Maleigh (Mason has arrived)**
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