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New to the Board - Hello folks!

Thought i'd swing in an say Hello!  

Looking through the boards there is a LOT of info here and probably some pretty great connections to be made.  Happy to see there's a small corner for "the boys" in this sea of female-centric awesome resource.  Got turned onto it from my Wife whos been following theBump for a while now, but is too timid to join in and post... ;) (she's going to kill me when she reads that im sure!)

 We're about 6 weeks in after TTC for over a year with at least one MC...  This is the farthest we've gotten and after some fantastically growing hCG levels (426 - 786 - 18,790, respectively)  its looking pretty good.  We've had a few early TV ultrasounds, and we see growth, but its been too early to tell much.  We've got a 3rd scheduled for the end of the month which should give us a better idea of what we're working with.  Still dicey, but we'll see how this works out...

The ironic part of it all is that we got a + HPT only 3 days before our visit with the Fertility clinic. :)  

 Nice to see you all, and best of luck to you!! 

- Hops (a.k.a Jon) BabyFetus Ticker Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
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