
4 Month Wakeful? (longish)

Hi ladies,

So my little guy is EBF more or less on demand.  He has always gained weight well, maybe on the high side but very healthy.  He will be 4 months on November 1st and has more or less slept through the night (approx. 930 pm to 5 or 6 am) for several months.  I have noticed that his daytime feedings have become a lot more distracted as he becomes more alert (looking around, smiling, checking out sounds etc).

For the past several nights, he has woken around 2 or 3 am.  The first few nights I fed him at that time, but last night I rocked his Pack N Play for a few minutes and he went back to sleep until 630 am.  So here's my question.  My understanding of the 4 month wakeful period, as laid out in the Kellymom article, is that they may start waking more to make up for eating less during distracted feedings.  If he is waking up at 2, should I for sure feed him to make up for these feedings?  Or is it OK to see if I can soothe him back to sleep first? 

First and foremost, obviously, I want to make sure that he is getting enough to eat and to protect my supply, but I also don't want him to wake up unneccessarily.  So if he really was hungry, would I be able to easily soothe him back to sleep, as I did last night?  Or is that an indicator that he's not really that hungry?

Thanks :)


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