
Hungry all the time or pacifying?

This is my first time breastfeeding. DD is 11 days old. I am having a hard time knowing if she is actually hungry or if she is just using me to suck on. I will nurse for 15 min on each side. Sometimes she is satisfied, sometimes 15 min later she starts crying and when I pick her up she is rooting around like she is hungry. I dont want to be used as her pacificer but It makes me wonder if she is getting enough milk. I don't want her to be hungry. I have been pumping after my first morning feeding and I get around 10 ml so I know there is milk in there, but I don't leak like some people have talked about, so I am just uncertain as to if there is enough. I have been drinking the mothers milk tea and taking fenugreek TK help build up my supply.
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