
Plugs & thrush while weaning

First: I know that weaning with thrush won't get rid of the thrush--I do know that.  I have an appointment with an infectious disease specialist on Wednesday for the thrush, because every treatment we've tried hasn't worked at all.  Not even one bit.

I just can't take spending so much time and energy pumping through the day and having to get up in the middle of the night to pump when DS2 is sleeping 9 hours at a stretch.  Oh & the horrible, unending pain...that's not fun either.

So my question is this: is weaning now going to make the thrush worse?  Does anyone have any experience weaning while you still have thrush?  

Second: Do I have to work out all of the plugs I'm getting while weaning? 

It seems very counter-intuitive to pump until the plugs are gone...I'm trying to send the message to stop making milk, not make more, y'know??

I'm pumping about every 4 hours & while I'm not fully plugged up, I'm starting to get kind of lumpy and tender.  I'm also using cabbage leaves on the plugs.  I'm also planning to go get Sudafed today.

Help me out--I want this process to go as quickly as possible so I can get back on the mend.

Dairy and Soy Free EPing, CDing, SAHM to 2 boys
DS1 11.28.09
DS2 08.11.12
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