
Only producing milk on one side---what to do?

I am a ftm and my lo is now 8 days old!!  He latched on immediately at the hospital, and we have been slowly adjusting to bf.  Unfortunately, due to high billiruben levels we have had to visit the pediatrician every day since leaving the hospital and they wanted me to increase my feeding to help bring the levels down.  She asked me to supplement with pumped milk after every feeding session.  For example bfing at 8am, then immediately giving him the milk I pumped after the 6am feeding.  Now that I am pumping I can see that I hardly produce any milk out of the left side.  After each feeding I can usually get a little over a 1/2 oz out of the right side (is that normal for a 1 week old?), but only a few drops from the left. 

What could be causing this and how to I ramp up my production.  I so badly want us to succeed at bfing!!!

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