March 2013 Moms

These "kicks"..

.. are feeling SO much like involuntary muscle spasms and it's freaking me out!  Baby made some kind of movement this evening that made me literally gasp in surprise and jump up out of my seat, it was so strong.

I was instantly filled with this weird sense of panic, like there was suddenly something in me that didn't belong there, and then had to call DH to try and laugh it all off.  I've been feeling little spasms here and there, but this one really surprised me because it seemed to - WHAM! - come out of nowhere and was so intense.  It just made me feel so alone too, like no-one else was there to experience it because it was all happening inside my own body.

Has anyone else felt this way?  I really don't want to be panicking every time I feel this baby kick because it's supposed to be a *good* thing.  So ... do you ever get used to these sensations, especially as they increase in intensity? 

I can feel baby moving again...  oh boy, lol. 



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