
I finally have enough milk! Thanks Domperidone.

I've had supply issues for the last 3 months.  Though my baby was growing, he was often not satisfied after feedings which made me stressed and concerned I wasn't making enough milk.  I went back to work and could barely pump enough for daycare.  I tried fenugreek, mother's milk tea, etc.  Nothing seemed to work. 

I also tried Reglan, but that not only didn't help, it gave me severe depression where I could barely function. 

So I caved and as a last ditch effort, I got some domperidone. I've been on it for a week at a lower dose than what's recommended 2 pills 3x/day and I feel it gave me the boost I needed.  I now pump exactly what LO needs for daycare and he is fully satisfied after a feed.  Even the evening feed which was always a struggle and I often had to heat up a bottle of milk from my stash. 

I was skeptical over ordering this from Canada without a prescription and self medicating, but I'm so glad I did, and by the looks of it, I'll be able to reach my goal of breastfeeding my baby for a full year.  Just to think I was about to quit.



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