March 2013 Moms

What would you do? Need advice.

As I've posted before, DH and I live and work in Kuwait.  We were supposed to stay together here and go home in Dec, but he has gotten a job offer state-side, and will be leaving Kuwait Nov 2nd.  I now have to decide whether to stay until my contract end date (Dec 11), or leave with him.  For insurance reasons, it would be good for me to stay at least into Dec so I am covered through that month and will be picked up by DH insurance in Jan.  I work 6-7 days a week, 13 hrs/day, so of course I'm tired all of the time.  Everything's going fine with the LO, but I'm terrified of something happening and I'm in Kuwait by myself.

 What would you do?  DH says it's up to me, but of course the rest of the family thinks I should come home.  It's only 5 weeks by myself.

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