March 2013 Moms

Another Newbie Alert :)

Hi Ladies!

I'm a longtime lurker finally making the jump to introducing myself.

My name is Cassandra and I'm from Reno, Nevada. I am the proud mommy of a very energetic and active almost 4 year old named Kian.

My due date is March 19th and we just found out we are having a sweet baby girl. I tease my husband because I knew we would have a girl even before we conceived. And I did notice some differences in my pregnancies. This pregnancy I was sick all day long and had to get medication. My hair is a different texture, I've been breaking out on my face, and I'm definitely carrying higher.

I feel great now and love being in this "honeymoon" phase.

I'm not an active poster but I might peep in every now and then :) Hope everyone is having a great pregnancy so far!

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