Dads & Dads-to-be


Okay, I need some advice here.

First off, we saw our baby's 1st sonogram yesterday - 6 weeks, 1 day, 112 bpm. Heard the heartbeat as well, absolutely breathtaking!!!

We haven't told really anyone yet except close friends & fam, so yesterday I come home and get on Facebook and my cousin declares on Facebook she's pregnant. Now keep in mind she's 12 weeks and has been in a relationship for 6 months. Me and the wife have been married for 7 months, TTC for 6+ months, been together nearly 4 years, and are only 6 weeks pregnant. I got immediately insanely mad and I don't know why. I also have another cousin who is not married, engaged, or anything but has a 5 month old daughter. I swear it seems like we (me and wife) are the only ones in our whole family who do everything right and it's the most difficult for us!

 Sorry, had to vent. Do I have a reason to be so angry?

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