Dads & Dads-to-be

New to the board and having a baby

My wonderful wife (GatorWife on the Nest) just found out she's pregnant a few weeks ago. She had her first Dr. appt this past Monday and has her first ultrasound  this upcoming Monday. I'm really excited, yet at the same time I'm anxious I guess... not sure how to describe my feelings. I think for the most part, it's the fact I'm staring at my own mortality. 12 years ago, I was in high school about to head out to college and now I'm staring at fatherhood. I'm also worried about the world with what's going on and hoping I never turn out like my own "father". Anyone out there know how I feel, or am I looking too deep into this? Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited and looking forwarded to fatherhood.


What should I be looking at and reading to start preparing me? Any other advice?


Thanks everyone!

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