
Trouble Gaining Weight

I weighed LO on Tuesday using a different scale and she has only gained one ounce since the 5th. I'm hoping it's just because I used a scale other than the one at her dr's office. Her dr is concerned and we are coming in for a weight check tomorrow. She has grown an inch and a half since birth on Sept. 9th so I'm wondering if she just grew in length and will start to fill out soon. Is there anything I can do or eat to help her weight gain? She nurses frequently and my supply is good. She gets an ounce of pumped breast milk at night and I put her vitamins in it. I'll have to look into getting an electric pump to supplement with breast milk because my hand pump isn't quite cutting it. How did you get your electric pump through your insurance company? I'll call them tomorrow, but any answers to my questions would help put me at ease in the meantime. Thanks in advance!
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