
Pain while slowly weaning


I have lurked on this board for a year and haven't posted before because my questions were always already answered! My daughter turns 1 next week and was nursing about 5 times in 24 hrs (morning, 2 naps, bedtime and one overnight). I have been wanting to start slowly weaning, working towards feeding her morning and bedtime as she eats 3 solid meals a day, plus snacks and a small amount of WCM at meals (per pedi's recommendation which we started  incorporating to her meals at 11 months).

Anyways, to my question- 3 days ago I decided to start the process by taking out our first nap nursing session (she doesn't even seem to notice I dropped it so that's great!) and now 3 days later I am still in so much pain! My boobs are painful, engorged, itchy and my nipples are cracked. I never thought cutting down 1 feeding would hurt so much, I thought my days of painful breasts were behind me after a rough start to breastfeeding and many issues with clogged ducts and milk blisters in the early months. Any advice? Am I doing this wrong? Today I ended up feeding her at a random time to relieve some pressure but I don't want to send my supply mixed signals! How long does it take for your supply to adjust typically for any of you ladies who have done this? I am terrified of eventually cutting out the second mid day feeding now as I feel I am going to be in this much pain for months on end! Also, I have read about using cabbage leaves but am afraid it will hurt my overall supply which I don't want as I want to continue breastfeeding-just less. Can you use cabbage leaves to help relieve pain if you still plan on breastfeeding or is that a no no for your supply?

Thanks so much for your helpful insight this past year! I never would have thought I could have made it this far in the beginning-to the ladies just starting out hang in there it does get better (not that you can tell from my whiny post, lol)!  TIA!



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