
Migraines caused by BF?

Has anyone ever experienced or heard of migraines from breast feeding?  I've never in my life had migraines but ever since LO was born I've been experiencing horrible migraines  My OB thought I had an epi headache so I had two blood patches done but they didn't help.  LO is 3 months old today.  Neuro thinks it's hormone related.  I've tried several different medications (I'm limited to what I can take) and right now I'm on percocet, gabapentin, progesterone only birth control (camila?) and zoloft because I started getting depressed from the pain.  OB, two neuros and pedi all suggested I stop BF for three days to see if they go away.  If I do that, would my milk dry up in three days?  Would it be possible for my milk to come back if I stop for three days?  I don't want to stop and that not be the cause of the migraines and then I can't BF anymore.  I'm going tomorrow to get a headache injection to see if that helps.  I really want to continue to BF but cannot live with these migraines.  And I don't want to keep BF if I'm poisoning my child with all this medication.  Any advice would be appreciated.  
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