1st Trimester

Scary First appointment

I just got back from my first appointment and it didn't go as planned. I was SO psyched for it, had a whole list of questions and all that!

 I wasnt planning on getting pregnant just yet, but was still completely and totally ecstatically happy when I got a positive pregnancy test. According to my calculations I got pregnant on Sept 1st, my wedding night. That would put me at week 8

 However, today at the appointment during the ultrasound, there was no heartbeat, and when doctor measured, baby is supposed to be at the 6week size. At 6 weeks, no heartbeat is nothing to be worried about, she said. So either i was wrong about the date of conception and it happened later, or it happened when I thought it did, and it ended at 6weeks. 

 I have to go back for another ultrasound in a week - next friday. at that point if there is no heartbeat then its over. 


How am I supposed to get through a whole week without knowing?! 

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