March 2013 Moms

I'm a newbie.... Here's my story

I've known for about a month that I am pregnant.  What spiked my interest in taking an at home test was a pressure in my belly during my regular Curves workout.  Suprise it was positive right away!  My fiance and I had made the decision at the end of April to stop BC.  By the end of May I thought I was pregnant; I was experiencing what you could call morning sickness where I felt like I was going to throw up for most of the early part of the day and I was constantly tired.  At that time I had a negative at home test.  2 weeks later I took another test and it was negative again.  So i told myself I just had a bug.  Also during this time I wasnt getting a period which was normal for me while on BC and I figured my body was taking its time to adjust.  Boy was I wrong!  My 1st appointment was in August, my midwife found a heartbeat right away, so she sent me to get an ultrasound to date my pregnancy, at this point I was thinking I was maybe at the most 3 months along... and I was wrong again.  The ultrasound dated me at 20 weeks- my baby boy Liam, is due March 1st!  I super excited and feel so blessed that my pregnancy is going so smoothly that I really didnt know I was pregnant for 4 months, but I'm nervous at the same time because I feel so far behind!  I'm so lucky that my mother is a midwife and available to answer all my questions and ease my concerns at the drop of a dime.  I also count my blessings that I natually live a healthy life style so; other than not taking the prenatal pills; I was doing everything right. Now, I'm looking forward to soaking in every second on this pregancy!




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