March 2013 Moms

Because all the other pregnancy symptoms werent enough?

SoI get on the railroad yesterday to go to work and I start feeling really hot and a bit feverish, I'm leaning on DH (luckily we commute together in the morning), I look up at him suddenly everything goes bright white and I go down like a sack of potatoes. smh

I come to and I'm sitting down (someone actually gave me a seat which is unheard of here) and poor hubby looks like he is about to cry. I feel fine now but I'm just a bit nervous since I don't know what I did to cause it so I dont know how to prevent it.

Oddly enough, I did almost faint once before when I was preggo with DS 10 years ago but never had anything like that happen with my pregnancy with DD. Its been almost 8 years since I've been pregnant so maybe my body is just not adjusting well?, I dunno.

Anywho, any tips on what preventative measures I can take to hopefully ensure that this doesnt ever happen again?

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