
How many oz of BM?

I hope this is not a stupid question, but I am very confused about how many oz of BM my boys should be getting. 

 I am breastfeeding my twin boys who are 3.5 months (born at 35 weeks). I struggled with supply and the boys had weak sucks. I have finally been able to stop all supplement bottles, except for about 2oz at night before bed. The lactation consultant wanted me to do 2 days of weighted feedings with a rented scale from the hospital to see how much they are taking over the day. 

Each boy took an average of 21-23oz over the 2 days. The LC said that is not enough milk and they should be taking about 35oz of milk each day (they weigh about 13lb).  

From the kellys mom website it said an average is 25oz a day, maybe a little more or less.  

The boys have been gaining weight, are alert, happy, meeting milestones etc. They nurse until they are full and there are occasional evenings where they will act very hungry after nursing for a long time so I will give them a bottle.

So I am just wondering how much milk they should be getting on an average day?  

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