

DS had started sttn. He'd go down around 8:30 or 9:00 and get up around 4:30 or 5:00. We'd do side lying nursing and both sleep until 8:00. Or I'd...gasp! eat breakfast on my own. By 4:00 I'd be leaking all over the bed and in so much pain but the last time this happened everything evened out so I figured this would too. He's eight weeks.

Can it have depleated my supply too much? I have enough all day until the last nursing. Then it doesn't seem like I have as much. I hear less gulping sounds and so on. So, of course, he's back to getting up at 1:30. Is there something I can do to boost my supply that won't render me engorged again? Or should I add a bottle of pumped milk at that last feeding? He gets no bottles but will take one if I have to go out...which has happened twice in his life.
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