
Pseudo BF Strike OR Change in Behavior???

Sorry in advanced that this is so long. 

Has anyone experienced anything like I describe???  Is this a  nursing strike or just a normal change in behavior???

DD is 10 weeks.  We went out of town 10/4 - 10/8.  We flew.  Everytihng was fine while we flew and while we were out of town.  Maybe a little over-stimulting at the inlaws.  But fed pretty well. 

She normally feeds 7 times a day.  3 hours apart during the day and about 6 hours at night.  She also normally feeds for 20 on each side and takes both sides.

The day after we got back (10/9), she nursed alot and for long periods of time.  I figured she was comfort nursing after a long busy and potentially stressful weekend for her.

BUT since then . . . she has been refusing to nurse.  Not all the time.  She'll nurse in the middle of the night, early morning, and late at night.  But nursing during "day light" hours has suddenly become a battle! 

Sometimes I offer and she'll suck for 5 minutes and then decide to smile and coo at me.  Ok.  She must be done.  But if I leave her in the nursing position long enough she'll stop cooing and start screaming at me!  I'll over the other side and she'll nurse for 5 minutes, then coo, then scream.

But more common is that she'll start to scream as soon as I start to put her in the nursing position.  She'll stop screaming as soon as put her upright.

For example . . . today her morning feedings were ok (about 3 am, 7am, and 10 am).  But I offered at 12:30 and she screamed.  So I gave her passi and she took a nap.  I guess she was too tired to nurse.  It was a short nap and I offerd BF again at 1:30.  After 30 mins of on and off screaming, she prob got about 6 mins on each side.  Then I offeread again at 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, and 7:00.  All times she refused.  DH gave her a 4 oz bottle after that.  She took it no prob.  I pumped while he gave the bottle.  After her bottle she was a little fussy and seemed to want more.  I hadn't emptied my boobs, so I offered and she took it no problem.  She actually sucked on and off (between drifting in and out out of sleep) for about 40 mins.  OMG it flet so good to finally have her empty a boob!

She went to the pedi on Monday and I asked about this behavior.  She asked if she was spitting up alot, and maybe the fussyness could be due to acid reflux.  But she's not spitting up hardly at all.  She basically just said that babies can empty a boob in 10 mins so that might be why she is spending less time at the boob.  I understand that she might be more efficent now, but that doesn't expaline why she refuses to eat 2-3 times a day.

I've been reading up on nursing strikes . . . her nose isn't stuffy (i've been sucking it out frequently). i haven't used any new products to make me smell differant, I haven't eaten anything unusual (plus she's taken a few bottles of fresh BM).  I've tried changing positions, differant rooms, etc.  Nothing has worked - other than nursing her during her "sleeping" hours, etc.

I'm worried that she's not getting enough, and that my supply is going to be affected.  I'm not pumping after ever missed meal, becasue I keep thinking that she'll be ready to eat in another 30 mins, etc.

I'm taking her to be weighed tomorrow (at a weekly BF support group that I go to).  So we'll see if she's gained at all since last week.  Hopefully the LC will have some ideas for me.



Me 32. DH 38.
TTC # 1 Since January 2009
Reproductive Endocrinologist diagnosed us "Unexplained Infertility".

After 3 years . . . 3 IUIs . . . and 3 IVFs . . . our miracle arrived on August 6, 2012.

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