March 2013 Moms

Tested + strep B - allergic to penicillin?

After my last urine test, my Dr called and said I tested + for strep B (which 25% of healthy women have present in their vaginas all the time). Apparently, this can be transmitted to the baby during birth, and can cause major health complications for me and the baby. So, my Dr said I will need to be given penicillin during labor. The only problem is that I am allergic to penicillin. My Dr said that the antibiotics I am not allergic to are resistant to strep B, so she is going to give me penicillin anyway!!!!

 I feel like this can't possibly be right. I have only had penicillin once, and it made me violently throw up and gave me a rash. After I had my wisdom teeth out, that Dr prescribed an antibiotic he said "is related to penicillin, but most people who are allergic to penicillin are fine with it". Well, it made me violently throw up (which was oh so much fun after oral surgery). I should also add that after my first reaction to penicllin as a kid, my Dr told my parents to make sure I never had it again since the reaction would probably be worse as I got older.

So now I am not sure what to do. Obviously, I want to make sure my baby is healthy, but I DO NOT want to be throwing up and having an allergic reaction while I am in labor. Anyone have any advice or ideas for me? Thanks for listening!

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