
Motivation issues - 8+ months

So my LO just turned 8 months, and I am having some serious supply issues from a pumping perspective.  When we're together, it's no problem, but I'm now working full time, so I'm away from my LO 5 days/week. 

I pump 4x day and used to get 12 oz.  My LO eats 14oz while I'm away.  I used to make up the 2 oz difference at night or on weekends, but now I'm down to producing a little less than 10 oz per day, and I'm just SOOOO over pumping all the time and taking herbs and eating oatmeal and drinking gallons of water and worrying about every single ounce just to produce enough!  I feel like I can never spend quality time with my DH becuase I try to power pump most nights after LO goes to bed!  I'm just tired of fighting so hard!  I feel like pumping is consuming my life and free time!  When I stopped to calculate it, I spend almost 3 hours/day pumping, and I'm not an EPer!!   

For those with pumping issues, how do you stay motivated?  I was really hoping my LO would start drinking less once she got to this age, but she's really not into solids at all!  I can barely get her to take 1 oz of solids/day, so I don't see any reprive in the near future!  I would love to make it to a year, but that seems SO far away at this point.  sorry this turned into more of a vent/whine than anything, but I'm really just looking for encouragement! 

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